Saturday 25 May 2013

Second Day of Third Cycle Chemo

This cycle's regime is 5 days of fludarabine 30mg, followed 4 hours later by Cytarabine 2000mg (one dose, 4 hours). In addition, he gets one 300mg shot of Filgrastim (G-CFS).

He had headache/migraine since yesterday which spiked at midnight last night till 11am today. He didn't manage to get any sleep, despite being given paracetamol and a sleeping pill.

Since morning he had high fever (39.8), extreme headache and accelerates heartbeat (145). He was given oxygen + pain killers + trauma med. Followed by ECG (heart beat showed to be fast but normal). He was given sleeping med at 11am and has been sleeping since. Temperature is now back to normal. Now just tired from lack of sleep.

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